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Has your personal data been breached on the internet?

Working in I.T for the last 20 odd years I thought I had been pretty careful with my personal data. Unfortunately, it turned out that my email address and telephone number had been been exposed!

Free Online Check

You can use the link below to quickly assess if your data has been put at risk due to an online account been compromised or "pwned" in a data breach.


If your data has been compromised it maybe time to look at beefing up security with a password manager.

What is a Password Manager?

A password manager is a computer program that allows users to store and manage their passwords for local applications and online services like a web applications, online shops or social media. A password manager assists in generating passwords,storing such passwords locally, online and/or in cloud repository in an encrypted database. Besides passwords those applications can offer storage for other sensitive data like credit card data.

Password managers typically require a user to generate and remember one "master" password to unlock and access information stored in their databases.

Do you ..

If any of the following apply it might be time for a password manger :

  • Simple passwords – short in length, that use words found in dictionaries, or do not mix in different character types (numbers, punctuation, upper/lower case), or are otherwise easily guessable.

  • Passwords others can find – on sticky notes on monitors, in a notepad by the computer, in a document on the computer, whiteboard reminders, smart device storage in clear text, etc.

  • The same password – using the same password for multiple sites, never changing account passwords, etc.

  • Shared passwords – users telling others passwords, sending unencrypted emails with password information, contractors using same password for all their accounts, etc.

Get in touch

If you would like further help or info please reach out to me using the contact form on the home page.

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